Solomon Grundy Rhyme Lyrics and Meaning

Solomon Grundy Rhyme Lyrics:

Solomon Grundy,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday;
That was the end
Of Solomon Grundy.

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Solomon Grundy Poem:

Solomon Grundy, a man of mystery,
His life’s tale wrapped in nursery;
Born on a Monday, a new life’s start,
Christened on Tuesday, blessed in heart.

Married on Wednesday, love’s binding tie,
Took ill on Thursday, tears in his eye;
Worse on Friday, strength began to wane,
Died on Saturday, life’s final bane.

Buried on Sunday, his soul found rest,
Solomon Grundy’s life put to the test;
A life encapsulated in a week’s span,
A tale of mortality, as time’s grains ran.

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Solomon Grundy Meaning:

The nursery rhyme “Solomon Grundy” is a succinct allegory of the human life cycle, using the days of the week to symbolize the stages from birth to death. Solomon Grundy’s life journey, condensed into seven days, represents the fleeting nature of existence and the inevitable passage of time. It serves as a reminder of life’s transitory nature and the universality of mortality.

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Solomon Grundy Song:

“Solomon Grundy” is often recited as a traditional nursery rhyme, and there isn’t a specific melody or song associated with it. Children usually sing or recite the rhyme with a rhythmic pattern for easy memorization and enjoyment.

Solomon Grundy YouTube Video:

Solomon Grundy YouTube Video


Q1: How does Solomon Grundy rhyme go?

A1: The rhyme goes like this:

Solomon Grundy,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday;
That was the end
Of Solomon Grundy.

Q2: What is the meaning of the rhyme Solomon Grundy?

A2: “Solomon Grundy” symbolizes the life cycle of a person, from birth to death. It portrays the transient nature of life and serves as a reminder of the inevitable passage of time and mortality.

Q3: Is Solomon Grundy a real rhyme?

A3: Yes, “Solomon Grundy” is a real nursery rhyme that has been passed down through generations in oral tradition.

Q4: What is the lesson of Solomon Grundy?

A4: The rhyme’s lesson lies in its portrayal of the brevity of life. It reminds us to cherish each moment, as time waits for no one, and all individuals, like Solomon Grundy, will eventually face their mortal end.

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